Monday, October 21, 2013

Bosna i Hercegovina 2013 II

**Originally posted on September 9, 2013**
Part 1 is located here.
Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia 
Next on our list was the National Park in Croatia. What I thought and what it actually was- was completely different. I guess I should ask more questions. But this national park. Literally— it’s a hike in the forest. If I had known, I would’ve worn something other than flip flops in the wild. 
Nonetheless, it is the most beautiful park ever and I am so glad to be able to experience it in person. I am also kind of glad they didn’t tell me it was going to be a hike. Or else I’d probably dread the walk.. especially in the scorching hot weather. 
Plitvice Lakes National Park is the oldest national park in Southeast Europe and the largest national park in Croatia. Founded in 1949, the national park is world famous for its lakes. There are 16 lakes that can be seen from the surface. The lakes are reowned for their distinctive colors, ranging from azure to green, grey or blue. And it is dependent on the quality of minerals in the water and the angle of the sunlight. More information and more photos can be found here.
This hike took approximately 4 hours to complete, and that’s the easy route. We started off by taking a bus (with no air conditioning and no working windows) (reminded me a lot of Venezuela and the bus ride on the mountain) to the area where we begin our hike. 3.5 hours later, we boarded a ferry to take us back to where the bus dropped us off. Some people hike there and back in 100 degree weather and this below is what I have to say:
It was overall another amazing experience that I will cherish forever. (More recently, I went on a hike with Amar to Mount Tamalpais to a waterfall called Cataract Falls. It should not even be considered a waterfall.. Anyways long story short, my expectations of a good, challenging hike with beautiful scenery *who can top 16 waterfalls?!* skyrocketed after this experience.)
The land of the gypsies.. This is where I was approached with very persistent gypsies! Throughout the trip, I’ve seen and witness gypsies at work but this was the first time I was approached by a VERY persistent gypsy baby. So from what I was told about gypsies, they are people who do not work, instead they spend their life reproducing and sending their children out to beg for money. Almost always, these kids are SO adorable. How can you resist that face.. but this persistent gypsy— she was adorable. She kept on trying to take my phone out of my hand to take a picture (trust and believe I held onto it with my dear life). More information on gypsies here
In Bihac, we went river rafting on River Una (Una is such a pretty name..) with a rafting company called: Una RC. It was fun! Amar fell in.. like he does all the time. When there were rapids, it was crazy but it was a pretty calm and quiet ride down the river. I wish I could’ve went swimming! It was so hot to just be sitting on the raft.
(Just a few pictures of our beautiful view in the house we stayed at in Bihac and our wonderful mode of transportation during our whole road trip!)
Returning to Prijedor
Finally made it home! I think we made it back home two days before our flight back to San Francisco. We mainly visited his cutie majka and ran errands during those two days. Amar and I returned by ourselves back first since I had work but his parents and brother stayed two extra weeks.
Our very last night there, his cousins came by and we all bbq’d! His cousin from Denmark (the one in blue sitting next to me) is so funny. All their English is so good! He kept on asking me questions and was just very eager to learn. When he was driving away, he said, “Bye Stephanie! Remember me!!” 
(Dawwww. Can we keep him pleaseeee.)
I was definitely sad by the time we were leaving, however, I could not be more excited for working hot showers, no mosquito attacking me at night, and being able to walk/bus places in normal degree weather. Normal being in 50 degree weather fog. I met so many amazing people this summer. Even though I was barely able to communicate with them, I hope I didn’t come across as rude or obnoxious when I was on my phone.. but I definitely got a good impression of everyone I have met (even the very old guy a few houses away who gets drunk everyday at the restaurant). Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. I guess coming from San Francisco where (this is what I think) everyone fends for themselves, I forget that there are actually nice, friendly, helpful people in the world, like when we broke down in downtown Prijedor, it took us a few minutes before someone (who knew his family obviously) offered to take us back home because it was raining. In San Francisco, if I see someone on the side of the road, I wouldn’t even think twice about stopping.. (Good thing I don’t have a car so I wouldn’t have to make that decision.) Anyways, that’s it for Bosnia! During dinner one day, his parents were saying how the next time we go back, we will visit different places. So I guess there will be a next time! 
(^Me right now. Finally finished with my Bosnia posts!)

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