Monday, October 21, 2013

Four Months Anniversary

**Originally posted on September 6, 2013**
It's been close to (holy crap) 4 months until I said hello to the real world. Crazy how time flies! As my first post, it would be appropriate for me to recap what I have been doing since graduation. (For my own sake. Just in case I develop amnesia one of these days or get bopped in the head by my lovely best friend and lose it.) 
Right out of graduation, I continued working my two part-time jobs so it didn't feel like anything out of the ordinary-- or the fact that I am done with school (until I study for the LSAT and the GMAT). My first step into the *real* world was on June 3, 2013 when I began my *first ever* full-time job in a field of my interest. After the shopping spree the week before that stocking up and investing in my professional wardrobe, full-time pay full time job couldn't have started any sooner. 
Backtrack: Before I was offered a full-time position, I had booked my flight to Bosnia for a whopping 3-weeks! $1,500 taken out of my savings later, my supervisor was kind enough to let me take the time off. A month into my full-time job, I went on vacation with my boyfriend and his family to their home country, Bosnia for the very first time. (I will blog about details in another post.) It was overall a wonderful experience and I was able to get to know his side of the family and where he grew up in person. (And I love traveling so the trip was definitely awesome.)
*Taken July 4, 2012 hence the American flag and the patriotic colors*
Another huge event that occurred after graduation was moving out of my apartment less than a week ago and into a whole new less-popular, more crime ridden city. I have *always* been a city girl so this was a huge change. Although I am sad to have to commute to the city for work, it is honestly not that bad.. despite having to wake up at 6:30am to get to work at 9am with a bed time at 10:30pm the latest. Good thing the boyfriend has to commute to the city too for school and work so we are able to take advantage of carpool in the mornings and to be able to drive through the Golden Gate Bridge every morning on our way to the city. (Let's see how long this will last..) The things I miss most about my apartment: living a divider away from my bestie, barging into her room the second I get home, being able to walk to the store to buy groceries, and being so close to the bus lines. The things I don't miss about the apartment: discovering a huge gigantic monster spider in the bathroom when I am still half-asleep trying to take a quick shower before work, not being able to open my window at night or insects would get (and stay) int the room, which leads to bestie sleeping on my carpet, aaaaand last but not least, the amount of dirt and dust that piles up after awhile (I'm allergic to dust so that's no bueno). All in all, this move was bound to happen (and expected) and it was time to go. 

Okay, let's wrap this up and bring it back.. Close to four months into the job and I love it. I see where Confucius was getting at when he said, "If you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life." Cheesy, but true. Although the work is a bit repetitive at times, I am responsible for something different everyday and there is always work to be done. I love the professional, rigorous environment. Not to mention, everyone here is so nice and helpful (cause God knows I be asking a million questions..) Every day passes so fast. I look at the time and it's 2pm and the next thing I know people are starting to leave at 5:30/6pm. 

That is it for now! Expect posts on-- my Trip to Bosnia 2013, the hardest decision of my life, and whatever else that comes to mind. My goal for this blog is to be able to capture exciting *and scary* things happening very soon..


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